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Waiari Water Treatment Plant, NZ

Waiari Water Treatment Plant, NZ

Te Puke, New Zealand – The Waiari Water Supply Scheme was developed to create supply of natural drinking water to the communities of Tauranga. Coming from the Waiari Stream, this new identified water source will allow the other stream sources to breathe easily, therefore making room for sufficient stable supply in the community. The Waiari Water Treatment Plant will serve the Pāpāmoa coastal strip/Te Tumu growth areas and will consist of an intake works and pumpstation all under one state of the art facility.
As part of the development of this water treatment plant, Treadwell was engaged by Fulton Hogan to supply the FRP grating for this project.

Project Challenges

  • Grating would be partially exposed to external weather conditions.
  • Grating had to be anti-slip for user safety.
  • Grating would be installed in a chemically corrosive environment.

Project Information

Project Category: Water Treatment Plant
Scope of Work: Supply FRP grating
Treadwell Products :

  • EX-Series® GratEX® FRP Square Mesh Grating, associated fasteners

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