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Darwin Navigational Aids

Darwin Navigational Aids

Particular attention must be paid to the maritime environment because the sea is amongst the most hostile of all environments. It must be ensured that the performance of a chosen material will be adequate both during the construction phase of a project and later during the operational phase when it may be subject to quite different conditions.

The sea will rapidly exploit any weakness, either in the material itself or in the way in which it is employed. It is the aggressiveness of the maritime environment which makes the durability of a potential construction material one of the primary properties to be considered.

This is where Treadwell comes in with a ready-made solution.

Project Challenges

  • Coastal corrosive environment.
  • Difficulty in setting up and laying of structure as it was highly dependent on weather and terrain.

Project Information

Project Category: Navigational Marine Structures
Scope of Work: Safe access to lookout point
Treadwell Products :

  • ArchitEX™ Structural Profiles

Total Project Value : $ 75,000

Treadwell Solution

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