FRP Stands Support Desalination Plant Instrumentation by EXduro™

During the initial period when the Water Corporation of Western Australia was working towards the construction of the Southern Seawater Desalination Plant located at Binningup, it was apparent and evident that they needed to identify a solution that provides support and house a multitude of instruments, displays and the gauges that were the crucial and complicated reverse osmosis equipment.
The flexible and comprehensive range of EXduro™ FRP instrumentation and cable support system was called upon and considered as an ideal answer. The FRP stands were made up from specified EX-Series® resins that make them corrosion resistant and exceptionally robust.
On the top of that, FRP also offers zero radio conductivity and electrical transparency. These come as an added advantage while working in any electrical or chemical plant.
The selection of stand configurations included both round as well as square profiles. There were a variety of stand configurations and they were meant to support single, double and even triple displays and/or controls. With the benefits of the EXduro™ FRP stands, the maintenance team can now appreciate the service free maintenance of the stands which will most probably outlive most of the components around them.