Craigieburn Sewage Transfer Hub
Craigieburn Sewage Transfer Hub
Melbourne, Victoria – The Craigieburn Sewage Transfer Hub is the largest sewage processing facility in Australia. With population growth and development expansion in the Northern Growth Area projected to accommodate 300,000 more people by 2040, the plant needed upgrading.
This facility will ensure large quantities of sewage flows with wet weather can be captured and maintained without expensive upgrades to the downstream sewer network, reducing the risk of sewage spills.
Treadwell was engaged to supply the FRP structural profiles, odour control covers and maintenance access hatches for the upgrade.
Project Challenges
- Covers needed to be installed from the top and be easily removable.
- Hatches were required to allow access for authorised personnel.
- Odour control panels had to be trafficable to allow staff access, as well as support the installation of handrails for staff safety.
- Corrosion was a key concern as this was a highly acidic environment.
Project Information
Project Category: Sewage Treatment Plant
Scope of Work: Supply FRP odour control covers
Treadwell Products :
- ArchitEX™ FRP Structural Profiles
- EcoEX™ SureLine® Heavy Duty (HD) FRP Panel
- EcoEX™ FRP Hatches, associated fasteners and support brackets.

Treadwell Solution
- EcoEX™ SureLine® HD covers are manufactured from premium quality resins with reinforced membranes that contain odours. These panels create a hydraulic air tight seal, preventing the release of odours into the atmosphere.
- SureLine® HD odour control panels can incorporate a range of inspection hatches, full hatches with safety grates, as well as maintenance hatches.
- These SureLine® HD panels are sturdy enough to have handrails installed to provide enhanced safety for the user.
- Treadwell FRP is lightweigh, reducing the costs associated with transportation and installation.
- Given the nature of FRP, any system utilising it is virtually maintenance free, keeping maintenance costs to a minimum.