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Urban Space Renewal

Urban Space Renewal

Our client undertook an urban renewal project that would create a multi-faceted space, thus transforming the landscape of the location. One of the structures that had to be rejuvenated was a pavilion that would be used to bring vibrancy to the area by making the arts easily accessible to the public.

As part of the structure, a ramp was incorporated into the architectural design. This ramp would be used to provide different elevation levels, allowing unobstructed views and providing multiple opportunities for viewers and performers to engage. Treadwell’s FRP GratEX® products were specified to be the material of choice for this ramp.

Project Challenges

  • Delivery, assembly and installation had to be completed within a specific timeframe.
  • Product had specific aesthetic requisites and Treadwell was able to achieve colour match requirements.
  • Product had to be maintenance-free as it was a public space that afforded minimal downtime.

Project Information

Project Category: Recreational Public Infrastructure
Scope of Work: Urban Space Renewal
Treadwell Products :

  • GratEX® FRP Mini Mesh Grating™

Treadwell Solution

Explore EX-Series®

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